The United States is scrutinizing the delivery of further pending military aid to ... and we are reviewing others," he told reporters. "But that said, our long-term commitment to Israel's security ...
The United States has also provided large foreign aid packages to other Middle Eastern countries, particularly Egypt and Iraq, but Israel stands apart. The United States provided Israel ...
Israel must do more to protect Palestinian civilians in Gaza and should "remove all barriers to the flow of aid at scale ...
The Biden administration is facing a decision on the aid as protests and counterprotests over American military support for Israel’s war against Hamas are roiling U.S. college campuses as well ...
Washington, DC – The United States has said it is reviewing a Hamas response ... such an agreement would get Israeli captives out of Gaza, allow for more aid to enter the territory and provide ...
Israel has probably broken international law - that's the conclusion of a US State Department report that is both damning yet cautiously equivocal too. The report, released late last night, is ...
Israel has been working to increase humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza amid pressure from the international community, including the US.
NEW DELHI: The United States, Israel's closest ally, is expected to announce as early as Monday that it will suspend military aid to an Israeli army unit due to serious human rights violations in ...
After looking at the Israel military's presence in Gaza, UK government ministers have once again concluded that they will not ...